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Whereupon a quote is accepted or a crew member contracted/booked with Neil Cain Camera Ltd (the supplier), you (the employer) agree to the specific terms & conditions set out in this document. These terms & conditions supersede any/all other terms & conditions; including any/all contracts supplied by the employer and signed by the supplier. The waiver of any terms and conditions set out in this document must be requested and agreed in advance either by email or text. These terms & conditions supersede any/all other terms & conditions; including any/all recommendations set out by Bectu, or any similar organisation (with exception to APA crew terms which shall be adhered to on APA projects).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Working Parameters:

The supplier (Neil Cain Camera Ltd) & all supplied crew are required to operate within the confines of UK law. All drone operations are subject to the specific terms & limitations of the suppliers operations manuals. The supplier shall conduct a continual risk assessment for all types of work. A risk assessment cannot be completed until the supplier has visited the site and confirmed on the day of filming that all aspects of the risk assessment are valid. At its sole discretion, the supplier may stop or delay delivering services due to safety or legal concerns. The supplier shall not be liable for any delay or cancellation of the services due to safety or legal issues. The Employer will not hold the company liable for the cancellation or delay of the service due to any risks identified during the risk assessment process. When operating under the Neil Cain Camera operational authorisation, limitations include (but are not limited to): 1// Not flying in restricted airspace without permission 2// Not flying the drone beyond visual determination of orientation & no higher than 400ft 3// Landowner permissions must be in place and should be arranged by production 4// Drone pilot must not fly in rain, insufficient visibility or if wind speeds exceed the drone manufacturer official limitations 5// The drone may not be flown beyond operator’s line of sight or close to certain properties, vehicles, persons, roads, animals or any given hazard or sensitive area, this will be determined by the pilot in command; subject to continual risk assessment & change.                                                                                                                                                                                                   


10 working hours with 1 hour break per 24 hours. A total of 1 hour of travel time per crew member is non-chargeable (per 24 hours). Base to Base working day (MK430RB) is calculated as a total of 12 hours per 24 hour day before any overtime is chargeable.


Any on/off set work or travel beyond 12 hours in any given 24 hours is chargeable at 1.5x hourly rate. All overtime beyond midnight is considered night work & a turnaround day is chargeable.

Night Work:

A turnaround day is chargeable where a crew member works or travels beyond midnight on any given work day.
All work or travel beyond midnight / night work must be agreed in advance.
Compensatory rest pay is not applicable to crew members undergoing night work & can not be substituted for turnaround days nor supersede any terms & conditions herein.
Where a crew member is employed on a block of night work (more than 3 consecutive nights for example), alternative terms & conditions (such as compensatory rest pay) may be agreed with production via negotiation in advance.


In all cases; where an early call time makes travel unreasonable for a member of crew, a local Hotel & travel day may be required & chargeable, subject to agreement in advance.
Travel mileage is chargeable @50ppm per vehicle.  
Travel days are chargeable at a minimum of 75% of shooting day rate.
1 hour of travel per crew member, per 24 hours is non-chargeable on shoot days.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


Full payment is due within 30 days. In the event that a payment reminder is issued after the due date; an additional administration fee of £50 may be charged. Late payments may then be liable to a £50 per week late penalty charge until the balance is paid in full. Any additional costs beyond estimation of the quote shall be subject to agreement and added to the final balance.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Cancellation Policy:

In the event that a confirmed booking is cancelled; the employer is liable for charges up to 75% of the total amount quoted if the cancellation should be implemented within 48 hours of call time on the first scheduled shoot/travel day, this will include kit rates. Cancellation charges are waived if the booking is re-scheduled to a date when the supplier is available. Pencil bookings must be advanced to a comfirmed booking otherwise availability of crew & kit can not be guaranteed. The subtraction of particular items of equipment, crew or services from a quote must be made in advance, beyond 7 days of the shoot day, otherwise they may be chargeable in full. Where a discount has been applied to a quote and there is a subsequent deduction of crew, services or equipment, applicable amounts will be deducted from the discount balance before affecting the list item cost. The supplier will always endeavour to keep cancellation charges at a minimum & remain flexible with booking dates.


Aircraft shall be comprehensively insured (including public liability insurance) by Neil Cain Camera Ltd. Any equipment supplied by the employer must be insured by the employer (including any/all lenses, camera’s & accessories that are added to the aircraft).

Where the supplier is contracted to perform work with an employers owned or hired equipment (any equipment that does not fall within the maintenance schedule of the supplier) all insurance (including public liability) must be arranged by the employer, in this instance; the supplier accepts no liability whatsoever.
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